Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"The Path to 9/11" - Engineers for jihad

I thought the "docudrama" did an excellent job of showing the sincerity and skill set of your average jihadist. They all seemed to be competent in existing in the western culture, they all seemed skilled at rapidly putting together things that go "bang" and they all seemed to enjoy their work. I think this is probably pretty accurate and pretty scary.

Everyone knew the guy in college who liked to experiment with guns, gelatin, firecrackers and lighter fluid. Typically they were 1)engineering majors 2)smart 3)otherwise pretty normal (unlike Atta, most of them wouldn't mind having their genitals washed, especially by a female).

Now, take characteristic 3), deny it access to normal female relationships and a good job, indoctrinate it non-stop with Jew-hatred, America-hatred, jealousy, and a sense of purpose. Train it in all the creative ways to wire up explosives, conceal them, transport them, etc, and then reward each improvement with praise and emotional re-enforcement. Repeat at least 100,000 times (more if you throw in Malaysia, Indonesia, India, etc) and you've got quite an army to work with, and not a uniform among them.

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