Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Passion of Sam Alito

Does it seem like the Senate in general and Dems in particular are incapable of learning anything about their public image?

If you’ve seen Dreyer’s great silent film "
The Passion of Joan of Arc" then you might remember some of the opening scenes where Joan’s accusers are filmed - without make-up – bulbous-nosed, hunch-backed, flabby-joweled, and leering at the girl, who looks up at them with angelic peace on her face.

As far back as Ollie North’s appearance at the Iran-Contra hearings we were presented with camera angles that accentuated the hunch-back, flabby-joweled, bulbous-nosed, hairline-enhanced Senators scowling disapprovingly over their schoolmarm reading glasses while they read their carefully scripted questions at someone who appeared, for most viewers, to be a paragon of American manhood. They sat on a high podium which allowed North to be filmed looking up like David at so many decrepit Goliaths, and showing himself to be in fine physical condition, in a neatly pressed uniform with lots of fruit salad, taking his oath. Below is Arthur Liman, chief counsel of the Senate select committee. A nice post on him

Jumping ahead 19 years we have John Roberts, open-faced and bright-eyed, a man of some privilege yes, but looking fit, rested, non-alcoholic, and "together". Again he’s looking up at his corrupt inquisitors, small-time Jabba the Huts.

Finally, there’s Samuel Alito. Working class background, nice wife, schlubby haircut but not hairline-enhanced, and not totally weird like Bork’s. Again, he sits like Joan looking up at corrupt inquisitors including Teddy (the Tick) Kennedy.

Democrats continue to portray themselves as the party that beats up on America's best. Time for a new studio setting.

Hitchens describes "the torpid majesty of a Senate proceeding"
here where it backfired on Republicans.

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