(scroll down about a 1/3 of the page)
JACKSON, RAINBOW-PUSH COALITION: There's a profound population shift. The Latino
population was 3 percent. It's now 20 percent, and it's not just South Central
Latin America. It's also east and Europeans as well.
They have been
trafficked in and their cheap labor has been used while businesses are still
locked out. So you have outside workers displacing New Orleans citizens and
outside no-bid contractors displacing Katrina areas citizens.
What would you -- at this point, is this a conspiracy of circumstance, the
devastation that the failed New Orleans and the displacement of hundreds of
thousands of New Orleans residents who can't get back? Give us your thought.
JACKSON: Well, number one, these workers are not just coming across the
border, they're being sent for, brought in and hired. They've been trafficked in
often working on the very exposing condition without of course any health
A couple points:
The legal day laborers won’t have health insurance either.
Most day labor crews I saw in six weeks there had appropriate personal protective equipment, especially respirators - certainly better than the locals had.
Many "no-bid" contractors had pre-hurricane contracts to provide emergency response to hospitals and hotels. Other hotels arranged no-bid contracts because they hired the first company in the door who promised them a rapid re-build in exchange for letting their laborers stay in the few tenable rooms.How many bids do you want in the middle of a flood response, by the way? If you’re getting bids while the city floats away, you’re thinking like FEMA.
From what I’ve seen, everyone there is working hard - black, white, Hispanic, etc.
Please remember who is inciting divisiveness.