Friday, September 12, 2008

Live blogging Hurricane Ike...waiting

The boards are on most windows, trimmed a few tree limbs away. Stood in awe of the number of trees around our house and cars and decided one of them would fall by morning.

The problem with the Woodlands is that every property has five trees that can hit a house two properties away. It's impossible to guess which one has your name on it. But at least we're not in
Galveston. Lord help those people.

9:05 pm and the breeze is blowing. Galveston is already a major mess but the outer bands haven't really hit Houston yet. Local weather says Ike has slowed down. Not good.

As reported
elsewhere, we have our first death. I was cutting limbs down this afternoon with my daughters in attendance. Those things fall HARD.
Here #1 daughter patches some roof leaks I've been ignoring.

#2 daughter hands me a nail. Can't imagine why so many end up at the ER.

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