Borrowing Mickey Kaus's old line...
In September, when it becomes to clear to the last subterranean dwelling Republican that McCain can't beat Clinton, or Obama, or Clinton-Obama, we'll have Florida to thank.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Live Blogging the SoU - why do I do this to myself...
CNN will be interviewing John McCain and Mitt Romney, and SENATORS Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
"Tired of leaders who ask nothing of us at all." Good line.
She's good enough on TV, but just a little too understated. East Coasters are yawning gigantically.
Nobody cares about Greensberg, KS. Sorry. How did we get to global warming? Whining about deployed Kansas National Guard. Calls herself commander in chief. Well, okay...
Health care - stimulus package. I'm detecting an urge to not offend Republicans and to take the focus off a very unpopular Congress.
You are an American first. Not real sparkly opening. "What does any of it have to do with me?" Struggling families in Kansas? I'm from there. Farmers are doing well. Johnson County is doing very well. Where are they struggling?
Dems: Sebelius is speaking from Topeka.
Chris Wallace on immigration. All candidates are running from the President.
Back to Fox.
Wolf Blitzer refers to radio talk show hosts opposing immigration reform. Never mind 70% of citizens R and D.
I have to say Bush looked a little more comfortable in his skin than he had for a while.
CNN Ed Henry acknowledges progress in Iraq.
No introductions of individuals in the audience which is out of character.
Immigration discussion was short and had no point. Hard to see how he could blame Congress for that mess. He really needs to blame us yahoos.
Hume - "extremely conservative speech"
Bush twin on left looks THIN. Hope she's taking care of herself.
Let us set forth to do their business.
Wants hiring preferences for spouses of military. Hmmm, hadn't occurred to me.
Veterans funding up 95%. Seems like small ball, but I'm not a veteran. Nice shoutout to Dole.
Malaria, AIDs, Wants 30 billion more over 5 years. Gee, tough call.
More than half the worlds food aid comes from US. Forgot this too.
Wants liability protection for companies assisting in intelligence gathering. I'd forgotten this.
Wherever freedom advances in the Middle East, Iran is there to oppose. People: We have no quarrel with you. America will threaten those who threaten our troops, we will stand by our allies, etc. I wonder what he means by that.
Empty promises re Palestine.
Way more time on Iraq than I expected. Wish he'd been doing this for the past few years. Maybe I don't watch enough news.
Promises 20,000 troops coming home. Wonder how many are headed for Afghanistan. Any further drawdown will be based on conditions in Iraq. Kinda quiet.
No need to mention some who deny the surge is working. Unless it was a dig at Harry Reid. More time than I expected on Iraq. Speak directly to services. Very nice. In the fight ahead you will have all you need to protect our nation. Nutroots must just be shitting bricks.
80,000 Iraqi citizens fighting the terrorists? Hadn't heard this.
Iraq as Surgistan. It is now officially safe for Democrats to cheer the war. Weird.
3000 Marines to Afghanistan. John Kerry standing. Well good for him.
Defining ideological struggle of the 21st century. Spreading the hope of freedom. Sounds better now than a year ago. Surprisingly positive response.
Ukraine, Georgia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq. These images of liberty have inspired us. Well some of us.
Horrific images, thanks for reminder - really.
Immigration - blah, blah, claims to have ended catch and release. Wants lawful way for foreign workers to come and suppor economy. Must uphold laws and highest ideals. Seems like one and the same.
Entitlement spending
More on faith based organizations. Asks for extension of charitable choice. Gulf Coast reference. North American summit in New Orleans. Bring bleach.
Asks for ban on cloning.
Wondered if he'd mention stem cells. Yep. Cool. expanding funding for ethical medical research.
More funding on physical science, how about pharmaceutical industry? Are they okay.
Clean energy technology draws a yawn. Coal power with capturing carbon emissions. Nuclear!! Finally. Cars and trucks of future, blah, blah. International clean energy fund. Keep it away from the UN please. Slap at China.
Trust American workers to compete with anyone in the world. More trade agreements.
No one can deny results of No Child Left Behind. Well..... okay.
Over to CSPAN
Trust patients and doctors to make medical decisions. Hillary working on her health care face on Fox. Obama "reflective".
Direct fed agencies not to fund earmarks that aren't voted on in Congress. Ow.
Straight to earmarks issues. Good for him, cut to Jeff Flake. Threatens veto on budget if it doesn't cut earmarks in half.
Charlie Rangel laughs pleasantly at tax reference.
Seems like a "small" start to begin with pushing Congress's button on the rebate program.
sop to collective wisdom of ordinary citizens. Haven't heard that for too many years. Wonder if it applies to immigration?
Call for cooperation, okay, nice
Treasury Secretary is one smilin' dude.
Sheila Jackson-Lee "all right my brother how are you?" Hume "she does like to be photographed with the President." Heh
Britt Hume mentions Bush's threat to the earmarks spending.
"Tired of leaders who ask nothing of us at all." Good line.
She's good enough on TV, but just a little too understated. East Coasters are yawning gigantically.
Nobody cares about Greensberg, KS. Sorry. How did we get to global warming? Whining about deployed Kansas National Guard. Calls herself commander in chief. Well, okay...
Health care - stimulus package. I'm detecting an urge to not offend Republicans and to take the focus off a very unpopular Congress.
You are an American first. Not real sparkly opening. "What does any of it have to do with me?" Struggling families in Kansas? I'm from there. Farmers are doing well. Johnson County is doing very well. Where are they struggling?
Dems: Sebelius is speaking from Topeka.
Chris Wallace on immigration. All candidates are running from the President.
Back to Fox.
Wolf Blitzer refers to radio talk show hosts opposing immigration reform. Never mind 70% of citizens R and D.
I have to say Bush looked a little more comfortable in his skin than he had for a while.
CNN Ed Henry acknowledges progress in Iraq.
No introductions of individuals in the audience which is out of character.
Immigration discussion was short and had no point. Hard to see how he could blame Congress for that mess. He really needs to blame us yahoos.
Hume - "extremely conservative speech"
Bush twin on left looks THIN. Hope she's taking care of herself.
Let us set forth to do their business.
Wants hiring preferences for spouses of military. Hmmm, hadn't occurred to me.
Veterans funding up 95%. Seems like small ball, but I'm not a veteran. Nice shoutout to Dole.
Malaria, AIDs, Wants 30 billion more over 5 years. Gee, tough call.
More than half the worlds food aid comes from US. Forgot this too.
Wants liability protection for companies assisting in intelligence gathering. I'd forgotten this.
Wherever freedom advances in the Middle East, Iran is there to oppose. People: We have no quarrel with you. America will threaten those who threaten our troops, we will stand by our allies, etc. I wonder what he means by that.
Empty promises re Palestine.
Way more time on Iraq than I expected. Wish he'd been doing this for the past few years. Maybe I don't watch enough news.
Promises 20,000 troops coming home. Wonder how many are headed for Afghanistan. Any further drawdown will be based on conditions in Iraq. Kinda quiet.
No need to mention some who deny the surge is working. Unless it was a dig at Harry Reid. More time than I expected on Iraq. Speak directly to services. Very nice. In the fight ahead you will have all you need to protect our nation. Nutroots must just be shitting bricks.
80,000 Iraqi citizens fighting the terrorists? Hadn't heard this.
Iraq as Surgistan. It is now officially safe for Democrats to cheer the war. Weird.
3000 Marines to Afghanistan. John Kerry standing. Well good for him.
Defining ideological struggle of the 21st century. Spreading the hope of freedom. Sounds better now than a year ago. Surprisingly positive response.
Ukraine, Georgia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq. These images of liberty have inspired us. Well some of us.
Horrific images, thanks for reminder - really.
Immigration - blah, blah, claims to have ended catch and release. Wants lawful way for foreign workers to come and suppor economy. Must uphold laws and highest ideals. Seems like one and the same.
Entitlement spending
More on faith based organizations. Asks for extension of charitable choice. Gulf Coast reference. North American summit in New Orleans. Bring bleach.
Asks for ban on cloning.
Wondered if he'd mention stem cells. Yep. Cool. expanding funding for ethical medical research.
More funding on physical science, how about pharmaceutical industry? Are they okay.
Clean energy technology draws a yawn. Coal power with capturing carbon emissions. Nuclear!! Finally. Cars and trucks of future, blah, blah. International clean energy fund. Keep it away from the UN please. Slap at China.
Trust American workers to compete with anyone in the world. More trade agreements.
No one can deny results of No Child Left Behind. Well..... okay.
Over to CSPAN
Trust patients and doctors to make medical decisions. Hillary working on her health care face on Fox. Obama "reflective".
Direct fed agencies not to fund earmarks that aren't voted on in Congress. Ow.
Straight to earmarks issues. Good for him, cut to Jeff Flake. Threatens veto on budget if it doesn't cut earmarks in half.
Charlie Rangel laughs pleasantly at tax reference.
Seems like a "small" start to begin with pushing Congress's button on the rebate program.
sop to collective wisdom of ordinary citizens. Haven't heard that for too many years. Wonder if it applies to immigration?
Call for cooperation, okay, nice
Treasury Secretary is one smilin' dude.
Sheila Jackson-Lee "all right my brother how are you?" Hume "she does like to be photographed with the President." Heh
Britt Hume mentions Bush's threat to the earmarks spending.
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